Find Your Direction With Coaching
Who works with a coach?
There’s a myth that coaching is for people who are struggling or underperforming. While coaching is often corrective, the idea that you need a coach because you’re failing is simply not true. A survey by Right Management Consultants revealed that 86% of companies use coaching to sharpen the skills of future organization leaders. Coaching often makes the difference between adequate performance and true personal satisfaction.
Coaching is an investment in yourself and your future. Businesses know this; it’s why coaching is categorized as an investment rather than an expense. Coaching is for anyone wanting to grow their skills and maximize their performance with a professional set of eyes to help spot mistakes, identify your strengths, direct you to additional resources, and generate new ideas and opportunities for you.
From professional to personal, coaches add value.
Why work with a coach?
Do you feel overwhelmed when faced with big decisions?
Is it a struggle to stay consistent?
Do you have trouble tuning out other people’s opinions?
Or do your dreams feel unreachable because you don’t know how to get there?
If your answer to any of these questions is “yes,” then Coaching can get you moving in the right direction. Coaching is not a panacea—you still have to put in the work. A Coach will help you draw a map to your goals, determine what resources are available to you and what actions you need to take, and hold you accountable over time to make sure you can follow through.
Is coaching for me?
Coaching is for anyone committed to bettering themselves by making effective, sustainable changes to everyday life. Even if you struggle with deadlines, goal setting, or following through, coaching can help you replace the negative thoughts and habits that are sabotaging you.
If you’re interested in advancing your career, deepening your relationships, developing your skills, and living a more balanced life, then Coaching is for you!
Will coaching work for me?
We are our own worst critics.
That’s why praise or compliments from the people we trust are especially meaningful. We don’t always notice or take credit for our own accomplishments. We often can’t see what we’re capable of while we’re in the middle of growing.
Coaching documents your success. Your coach can be more objective than other people in your life, highlighting your experiences and connecting skills you may not have thought of combining previously.